The Beginning - the greatest love.
2005 October - 2006 August
Created by Kate 17 years ago
In October 2005 Martin & I decided to make the giant leap and be together - a couple.
By the November we had begun the job of blending our familes, 4 teenagers/young adults between us.
After a party on November 30th we decided to take the plunge and stop using contraception, if a baby should come along then so be it. We both knew what we had was forever.
In April 06 the Easter bunny presented me with a beautiful engagement ring and I was happier than I had been my whole life.
The wedding was soon arranged for August 26th 2006.
On June 24th we sadly lost a baby we had yet to confirm we were expecting to miscarriage, at the time I just felt it must not have been meant to be. How blase!
The wedding went ahead with all those we love present and it was a wonderful day. The evening held promise of a party but I spent most of the evening outside feeling very very nauseous as I had for a number of weeks before at that time of day.
The following morning we woke in our hotel room, close to home and then returned to our children. We packed our little bags for our honeymoon on the bike. Off to the East coast for just a couple of nights. At that moment we decided to test. A positive result, we told the kids and no one could have been happier.